Yahya al-Hajuri

Haddadi Rehabilitation Series: Admonitions and Reflections (Part 3) - Advice From Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Sunday, March, 09 2014 and filed under Articles

Shaykh Muhammad al-Wasaabee said:

And how (abundant) is indecency and obscenity (in language) with this Hajurite sect, (there is a) great deal. They have been deprived of gentleness, they have been deprived of gentleness amongst themselves, with their ties of the womb, with their relatives and with their opponents, and with the people (in general). Whoever is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all goodness. Gentleness is not removed from a thing except that it disfigures it, thus (its absence) made them disfigured. The harshness that they proceed upon, it has disfigured them. They are detested by many of the people. And we have previously made notification of this Hajurite bid'ah that has been entered upon Islaam and upon the Sunnah and upon the Salafi manhaj, and (notified) that Islaam is innocent of this Hajurite bid'ah. Harshness, severity, courseness with whoever opposes them, even if it is in issues of (permitted) ijtihaad, in the subsidiary issues and the issues of ijtihaad.

The important thing is that you are not with them in them declaring so and so a Hizbee, that's it, if you are not with them in declaring (so and so) a Hizbee, they scream over you and they wipe you (away). There is no justice, no equity, no (use of) intellect, no custom ..."

From a preserved cassette recording with the Shaykh as cited on page 9 of the book, "They Turned Dammaaj Into a Torch of Fire After It Was a Torch of Light" (read here).