Yahya al-Hajuri

Al-Hajuri Declares Qaabeel Son of Aadam an Apostate on Account of a Major Sin
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Sunday, October, 06 2013 and filed under Articles

Al-Hajuri Declares Qaabeel Son of Aadam an Apostate on Account of a Major Sin

During a lesson of Yahya al-Hajuri on Tafseer Ibn Katheer, speaking about Surah Yusuf (alayhis salaam), al-Hajuri spoke of the danger of envy (hasad) and how it leads to apostasy and he gave the example of Iblees, and then he states (mp3):

Envy leads to apostasy, (it is) a path to apostasy... (ابن آدم الأول ارتد وكفر بالله وحمل من أوزار جميع الأمم أصبح من الخاسرين بنص القرءان) The first son of Aadam became apostate and disbelieved in Allaah, and he carried the burden of all nations and he became from the losers (in the Hereafter) by textual (evidence) from the Qur'an. Envy leads to apostasy...


This is one instance of takfeer upon the way of the Khawaarij from Yahya al-Haddadi (and there are other instances where he made Takfir by way of sin, to be documented later inshaa'allaah), except that it is not in relation to just anybody, but to the first son of Aadam (alayhis salaam), Qaabeel. The correct view is that he committed a major sin. Shaykh Ibn Baz said in his Majmu' Fataawaa (3/117):

And the nations prior to Moses (alayhis salaatu was salaam) when they opposed the Messenger (alayhis salaam) and refused to follow him, punishment would come to them, destroying all of them, except the one who believed in Allaah. Aadam (alayhis salaatu was sallaam) and whoever was in his time from his offspring till the time of Nuh were upon Islam and guidance. But that does not necessitate that no disobedience (sin) would be found amongst them, for Qaabeel disobeyed and killed Haabeel without due right, but they were both upon Islaam.

When this matter was brought out, then the cult followers of al-Hajuri on their forum of Haddaadiyyah began to search and see if they could find anyone else who held the view of Qaabeel being an apostate, so they could say "But so and so also said this as well" and all of this was to defend their cult leader. This reveals the mentality of these people in that they think their leader cannot ever fall into a mistake for which he could be rightly criticised, let alone rebuked or vilified. We are waiting for the audio or written tawbah from al-Hajuri wherein he makes an acceptable legislative tawbah comprising istighfaar, tawbah and bayaan. But you should pay attention the point just made here, that when al-Hajuri is criticised, his students will be mobilized to start researching and writing refutations, the aim in all of that being to defend al-Hajuri and try to justify his statements through one way or another. This is the most sickening type of taqleed and hizbiyyah, and they accuse (falsely) everyone else of taqleed and hizbiyyah.